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Friday 22 November 2013

Why Professionals Desire a Career in Africa Through United HR Consultants

The Association between United HR Consultants and Africa since last 3 decades has proved, “If you have a burning desire, passion and enthusiasm, nothing appears impossible or unreachable”. This adage holds well with the proven numbers and our continual business expansion with Africa till date.

The success story of United HR Consultants for Africa is visible through our spread of operation in 28 countries; having catered to 950 clients, and Africa being a major business focus.

Why Professionals Desire a Career in Africa Through United HR Consultants

Why Africa? Africa, a continent of superlatives is housing more than a billion people. This beautiful land embraces deserts, glaciers and jungles and personifies beauty to the hilt. According to Africa’s pulse report, strong government investments and higher production in mineral resources, agriculture and service sectors are supporting the bulk of the economic growth.

The current challenges in Africa are:

· Restrictive business environment

· Poor infrastructure

· Lack of Skilled professionals.

· Hindrances while opting for finance

· Limited public sector

United HR Consultants for Africa have gone beyond these barriers and assessed the job opportunities, job losses and the skills gaps in the country and the changes of skills supplied and demanded, then drawn some suggestions on how to minimize the risks associated with unemployment and provided appropriate candidates.

United HR Consultants connection with Africa has been a continuous journey since decades. We have extended our best services and understand the expectation from expatriates who are keen to relocate. Our CEO, Dr O.P.Pahuja, has been an expatriate himself having worked in Nigeria, thus knowing the work culture, geography, lifestyle and his rich experience is being percolated to the candidates.

We Believe in , “Aim to deliver on time, first time, every time” and United HR Consultants for Africa have stood by this with an astute business strategy, hiring competent staff, making the most of technology, developing an effective database and being transparent in its dealings to both candidates and clients. To know more about our organization and services, visit us at:

Sunday 11 August 2013

Hiring the Right Candidate : A Managerial Privilege, Needs Diligent Approach


Now a days, hiring the right Candidate has become a tedious, time consuming and more visionary work, and yet not able to select the perfect one!!

Hiring The Right Candidiate

Inability to select the perfect one will have many reasons, a few major reasons may be as enumerated below;

  1. Qualification
  2. Skill sets - Work Exposure - Multiple task handling - Methods & Processes 
  3. Experience and application / familiarity with plant , equipment and machinery,procedures & systems 
  4. Attitude - Aptitude - Infirmity - Infuriate
  5. Family or Social constraints - Criteria for overseas assignment - peer pressure
  6. Compensation - Variance between current package to offer given - Variations in fringe benefits - Tax impact or implications 
  7. Compatibility with existing Team mates 
  8. Cultural fit - Acceptability and Affinity 
  9. Gelling well with either workforce Managers - Protestant work ethics Managers or Existential Managers or Pragmatic Managers or 'Gen X' Managers 

The one, who has been entrusted with this responsibility in the organisation, is always thinking that "What are the prerequisites to ensure correct or serendipitous approach"?.

Based on critical experience, keeping in view above factors, I have following areas for better attention prior to jump start the hiring process;

  • Whenever the Organization is hiring Right Talent, make sure that the HR has the right requisites for the respective vacancies / positions, especially, the "Role and Responsibilities" communicated accurately, lest a gap in communication might be unsatisfactory, leading to an irrelevant procedure. Result being, scheduled candidates for the Interview may be not of caliber as desired or expected - resulting Loss in time, efforts and energy with resources deployed, and restarting the whole processes. 
  • Ensure that the positions are Clearly stated with appropriate selection of categories / sub-categories, and the essential Skills required, rather than the desirable Skills. Managers must be familiar with the availability of the Skills in the job market and people with specific expected Skills, if not, he or she must initiate learning process , either internal communications with HR or expand own network to update. 
  • A well-documented Requisition form ensures that the Requisitioning person and the HR have a clear understanding of the 'Role and the kind of people', who can be the 'Right fit' for the planned role. 
  • Most prudent , prior to initiate any new 'Recruitment hunt', it is significant to scan your already 'hired Employees'. 
  • If anyone out of them has the 'Required Skills' and Skills- untapped talents or EVEN just waiting to be Developed, do not miss them out. This helps our business manifolds by promoting the 'Potential Candidate' to a new level, which not only fulfills our requisites but lowers the hiring cost and most importantly, helps to retain talent, at the same time enhancing the "Employeeship" , prospects term career. 
  • Even our own employees might be able to 'Offer Referrals' to the company that fit the job requirements. Sometimes business associates or Customers / Machine manufacturers or Business contacts refer a few good Candidates. No matter take chance and keep HR in loop. 
  • Once float the word around, many times good reference do work. There is nothing wrong in adopting this practice, yes, essentially it needs to check "Reference" prior to finalize, we never know what background or impression the candidate left behind with any antecedents. 
  • From time to time, for various career development 'Opportunities' it is advisable to discuss with internal teams or HR. Communicate your current and Future Business Plans to let it be known 'in-confidence' . This may benefit in identifying correct version or person , either internally or externally. 
  • How can I 'Contribute to the Company's success' by recruiting right talent for my organisation / Unit ? A million dollar question. But how to go about ? It is not so difficult. please review the following for your self assessment prior its application:
  1. Involve your known and confident team members in such debate, either from departments / sections or associated SBU / Units. 
  2. Refer to their opinion and references given 
  3. Evaluate their judgmental directives 
  4. Let them feel motivated and more valued for the Organizational issue 
  5. Respect, recognize and appreciate their Skills 

Remember, a happy Employee in the Organization is bound to bring in creativity, Efficiency, and accountability. This leads to belonging, continuity, esteem and self satisfaction in your team and peer group.

Now begins the actual work for "Talent Acquisition" , a planning that leads to identifying skills , notifying to sourcing , screening to mach our company needs, refining / pruning right candidates , preparing schedules to speak / meet them and organizing Self to INTERACT with such brilliant talents and proffer solution to Hiring or Acquiring best of the lot to induct in the Organisation.

We will talk and discuss more on the above, again in the next round. However, if you have any additional input to the above, please feel free to contribute.

NNS Vyas

Recruitment? Newspaper! (Photo credit: Spanner Dan)

Thursday 18 July 2013


WARM WELCOME to One and All , to the NEW endeavour of TEAM UNITED, as the UHR BLOG.

How To Win Friends And Influence People
Friends (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Here you'll find some easy going Tips, related to Work Life , alongwith some FOOD for THOUGHT, on various mind boggling Management Issues.

Let's start with , a new Twist to the Topic , How to win Friends and Influence People

Dale Carnegie wrote a fantastic book in 1936 that really spelled out How to Win Friends and Influence People, which continues to be successful because it contains such a lot of common sense about treating others how we ourselves like to be treated.

Unfortunately, we sometimes forget our common sense due to work and other pressures, and times have changed a little too, so here is a quick list with a few examples of both "old" and modern day areas to focus on to l, winning Friends and Influencing people. 

1. Pay someone a compliment

If there is a genuine reason to pay someone a compliment, make their day and tell them. The person wearing a great shirt or a nice perfume will always appreciate a positive compliment, and that compliment will stay with them all day. 

2. Say thanks often

Show your appreciation by saying thanks when someone holds the door open for you, or goes out of their way to do something. When did you last thank your partner for being awesome or your staff for doing a great job? Appreciation is one of the main drivers for someone staying committed in a relationship or job, don't forget to tell them.

3. Share knowledge generously

If you are an expert in your field , it always pays to share your knowledge with your colleagues. This way you not only gain respect in their eyes, but a GREAT INNER SATISFACTION too.A Rotarian who didn’t have the time for the physical work, gave his expertise generously instead, allowing the club and other charities to benefit from his experience and knowledge.

4. Do what you say you will

Don’t let others think badly of you by not doing what you said you will, even the smallest of things, someone may well be relying on you.After all a COMMITMENT , needs to be honoured.

5. Smile

It is said , " You are not fully dressed unless you wear a SMILE". The chap that held the door open for me with a beaming smile made me feel like a Princess. How can you pass on such great feelings to others to make their day? Just by Smiling.

6. Use their name
What was the name of the Waiter that serveed you in the canteen? Next time you order, thank them as usual and follow up with their name, it will be noticed. As Dale puts it, “the single sweetest sound in any language is a person’s name”.

7. Follow up

The Carpenter that came to give me a quote didn’t follow up until 2 months after he visited. Needless to say, someone else did the job and he lost out. Do you follow up in a timely manner before your competitor gets in? You will stand out just by following up every time because so few people do it.

For comments: What else would you add to this list, old or new?
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